Home » Webinar spotlights President Ho Chi Minh’s thought in foreign policy

Webinar spotlights President Ho Chi Minh’s thought in foreign policy

The Canada-Vietnam Friendship Society (CVFS) on May 12 hosted a webinar themed “Ho Chi Minh and foreign policy” on the occasion of the late leader’s 133rd birthday (May 19, 1890 – 2023), bringing together dozens of Canadian and Vietnamese experts and scholars who are interested in Vietnam’s foreign policy in the Ho Chi Minh era.

In his speech at the event, Dr. Nguyen Hung Son, Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), who is also former Minister Counsellor of the Vietnamese Embassy in Ottawa, highlighted President Ho Chi Minh’s foreign policy with three important points.

The policy focused on how to deal with relations with big countries, enlist outside support and use all available tools in foreign policy, he said.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in Ottawa, Philip Fernandez, member of the CVFS said President Ho Chi Minh’s foreign policy was based on the principle of non-interference in internal affairs of other states, and recognition of independence, sovereignty and self-determination of nations and peoples.

The flexible and adaptable foreign policy was based on principles for world peace and social progress, he added.

According to Fernandez, Vietnam today is following the right line and policies that President Ho Chi Minh left for the nation. He noted that Vietnam is also playing an important role in contributing to protecting independence and sovereignty of all countries in the United Nations as well as in ASEAN.

Dr. Joe Pateman, from the Faculty of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham, said that since declaring its independence, Vietnam has continued to creatively apply Ho Chi Minh’s thought to practice and has achieved outstanding achievements in both socialist construction and foreign affairs.

The Communist Party of Vietnam has built a modern and strong socialist mechanism, bringing prosperity and happiness to Vietnamese people, he stressed, noting that the application of Ho Chi Minh’s thought in its foreign policy has helped Vietnam become a country with full sovereignty and close relations with the world community.

Vietnam’s domestic and international achievements are rooted in the immortal legacy of President Ho Chi Minh, he went on.

Dang Trung Phuoc, President of the Canada Vietnam Society, said not only Vietnam but many other nations in the world, especially those in Africa, also have expressed their gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh because by following him, they gained their independence.

The webinar was part of activities to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of Vietnam-Canada diplomatic ties (1973-2023). The two nations have enjoyed a strong friendship and effective cooperation for many years. They marked five years of their comprehensive partnership in 2022./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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